Sometimes we can all use a helping hand…

ServicesDescriptions and Fees

The services I provide are: Personal Growth Coaching, Group Coaching, and New Skills Practice

You choose the service that suits you best, based upon your needs and desires. You then let me know at the time of the initial session, and we will then design the work we’ll do together to create the outcome you desire.

Click here if you are ready to book an Intro Session now…!

Personal Growth Coaching and Guidance
My coaching style is to collaborate with you to clarify your goals and challenges, and then jointly design the path and steps needed to fulfill your dreams and desires.
Common Outcomes:
Improved interpersonal communication
Increased physical and emotional energy
Renewed and boosted self-confidence
Shortened learning curve for acquiring new skills
In addition, part of my job is to challenge you to do your best, and to help you keep accountable for the actions you’ve committed to take.
If you work best in one-on-one situations and want 100% of my focus to be on you, this option may suit you best.

Group Coaching
A more affordable option for support and change is group coaching. A small group of individuals meet, usually weekly, and members are mutually supportive of each other. Benefits come from listening without interrupting, and sharing what has and has not worked for in the areas of challenge and change that one is working on. Everyone has an opportunity to speak, and that which is shared is kept strictly confidential between all. The facilitator keeps the group on track and on task, and will occasionally offer up exercises for members to work with in session, and will typically close the meeting with a Core Question to think about between sessions. (Examples of Core Questions: “What is it to be powerful?” ” Where am I too hard on myself?” ” What am I tolerating?” )

In addition to speeding up the process of change, the consistent support of a group of like-minded and like-hearted others can have profound emotional benefits.
(Harvard’s long-running Study On Happiness has clearly shown that the strongest predictor of health and happiness is having ongoing good connections with others.)

● Practice to Perfect
If you desire both a safe and supportive place to master new skills, AND professional guidance in helping you to perfect those skills—then this service is for you.
The focus of this work is on perfecting various communication skills by consistent practice and guided correction. And better communication is a recipe for success—both personally and professionally.
For example, learn how to:
     ● Have effective conversations, (how to make it safe for all to talk and to be heard)
     ● Look and sound better for a presentation (whether live or on Zoom)
     ● Look and act more confident in a job interview
     ● Create closer connection in your relationships
If you tend to be quiet and reserved, this service can be especially transformative.

NEW! Walk & Talk
An especially uplifting and healthy way to make strides in shifting your energy and speeding up change!
For more details, Click Here
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Fees, Duration, and Communication
For One-on-One Coaching, my fee range is between $39 and $69 for a 50-minute session.
If you are actively working with any of the following books, I will be happy to give you a discounted rate:
Radical Responsibility, by Fleet Maull, PhD
Happier Now,
by Nataly Kogan
Any book written by Tom Rusk, MD
Change Anything,
by Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny
Crucial Conversations,
by Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny

The reason for the fee discount is because I want to encourage your deepening commitment to change, and have found these books to be well-written and powerful tools for that purpose. If you are working with a different book that is supporting your movement towards desired change, I’d be open to extending my price break as well—let’s talk…

For Group Coaching, the fee is $12 (per member, max of 6), per 75-minute session.

For Practice to Perfect work, the fees are the same as for One-on-One Coaching

For a Walk & Talk Session, the fee is $75 for 75 minutes.

For One-on-One work, the frequency with which we meet is based upon your needs, and is typically either once-a-week, or once every other week.

A 3-month minimum commitment for One-on-One Coaching is highly recommended, as it permits you to move past the typical hurdles and roadblocks that usually occur at week 3 or 4. (The 3-week mark is generally when we begin to self-sabotage, and tell ourselves we either don’t need to change, or that it’s too hard. Then many months later, we wish we had stuck with it and finally made the change we desired.) This is when you need support the most!

For Group Coaching, we meet either weekly or every other week. The frequency is set in the beginning, and is based upon the desires of the majority.

There is a 3-month commitment that all group members must agree to, as well as a confidentiality agreement (verbal and written).

For Practice to Perfect, there is NO commitment. Sessions can be as frequent as you desire.

Sessions are via phone or ZOOM Video. Between appointments, we’ll communicate via email, text or Voice Mail.

Ready for the next step?
If you’d like to explore the life-changing possibilities that can come from working with me, I offer a no-charge, no-obligation, Introductory Session. This session will be 30-45 minutes in length, (possibly longer if it seems we will work together), and gives us ample time to ask each other questions to determine if this is a good time for us to work together.

Click here to learn about the Free Intro Session

~ All communication is confidential ~